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For Funders

Help fund the Jewish Eco-system

Jlive seeks to create a new global ecosystem for Jewish Life.  Starting with North America, we aim to provide a single hub for individuals to discover events and programming from all Jewish organizations both local and beyond.

More Jews
Doing More Jewish
More Often

The Jlive Mission statement aligns with most Jewish funders and foundations in that we offer a more connected and engaged community.

Our mission
Is Aligned

Jlive aggregates programming address to the specific and targeted goals of your foundation.  We can curate and promote a variety of collections to suit your mission, all under the broader mission of Jlive.
  • Strengthen connection to Israel
  • Welcome new constituents
  • Engage Teens and Young Adults
  • Support our elderly population

Connecting the
Jewish Journey

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Jlive enables better Jewish Journey hand-offs.

Community-wide Data

Jlive follows a User Centric design, resulting in greater adoption with broader and more useful data than past "data-centric" platforms.

Jlive enables data visibility across many organizations and communities.
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Trends Report

What good is lots of data if you aren't able to extract useful insights? 

Don't worry because Jlive utilizes data scientists to analyze our vast data and compile it into a readable report with actionable takeaways to guide programming, community planning and philanthropic investment.
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